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AJET is a great way for JETs to participate in an organized group that actively finds opportunities to make the most of our lives here in Japan. From those who are familiar with Japan, to those who are experiencing their first taste of this country, we welcome all JETs, as well as other foriegners and Japanese citizens to participate. |
Below is a partial list of the activities SHIGA AJET has organized in the past, as well as ideas for future activities (for a list of current activities see current events):
Welcome party for all JETs in the summer, holiday parties, camping, events with other prefectures, talent show, and much more.
Sumo Wrestling, taiko drumming, baseball games, as well as demonstrations of tea ceremony, pottery, and glass blowing.
All of our communities have festivals and events (such as: Nagahama hikiyama matsuri, Yokaichi kite festival, Otsu fireworks, etc.). By actively organizing outings to take in such festivals, we provide a great way to see the communities around Shiga as well as catch up with those JETs you don't see often.
For several years there has been a beach clean-up during Earth Month, and we are planning to continue this tradition. In addition, we are formulating ideas to start an organized service activity such as visiting childrens' hospitals or senior citizens' homes, for which we would ask volunteers to support each month.
Shiga AJET has a large collection of books available for loan to JETs. A list of these books, as well as more information about this service, can be found here.
If you are interested in joining AJET, please contact a current AJET officer or member to obtain information on joining. The current ('99-'00) officers for Shiga AJET are:
Steve S. 077-565-4926
Karen F. 0749-64-0377
Courtney C. 077-534-8321
Susan L. 0740-36-2512 |
about Shiga AJET | background & history | current events
What is AJET?
AJET stands for The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching. It is an independent, self-supporting volunteer organization that promotes and supports exchange and teaching in Japan in cooperation with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme. The primary purpose of AJET is to facilitate a successful working relationship between JET Programme sponsors and participants. It promotes peer support and fellowship, sponsors special projects, assists in the organization of conferences, produces publications, and carries on other activities which further this purpose.
History of AJET
The history of AJET is closely linked to the history of the JET Programme. In the late 1970's the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Monbusho) set up the Monbusho English Fellows Programme and the British English Teachers Scheme to improve foreign language education in Japan. Each of these two programmes had volunteer support groups made up of participants. In August 1987, when the MEF and BET Programmes joined to form the JET Programme, the two volunteer groups also joined to form AJET. |
AJET Achievements from 1987-1997
1987-88 (Co-Chairs: Mr. Charles Browne &
Ms. Lucy Van de Brul)
AJET prefectural and national officers system set up; regional newsletters, the AJET Lookbook (telephone and address directory of JETs), the AJET Non-Renewers book (forerunner of today's JET and Beyond book) and the Medical Directory were produced; the first AJET Kyoto Spring Conference for all renewing JET participants was held; International Society, Christian Support Group and Peer Support Group set up.
1988-89 (Chair: Mr. Robert Juppe)
First issue of AJET magazine printed; AJET block and nationality representatives system started, ALumni Association, Women's Group and Minority Support Group set up; AJET began to work closely with Monbusho and CLAIR to give input for the Mid Year Block Conferences (MYBCs) and Orientations; The AJET Kyoto Spring Conference was officially adopted as the JET Programme Renewers Conference and AJET planned and conducted the workshops; AJET Day started.
1989-90 (Chair: Ms. Amy Wilson)
AJET conducted workshops at the Tokyo Oreintation; Tatami Timeshare travel network set up; The AJET Lookbook and the Alumni Association were officially adopted by the JET Programme.
1990-91 (Chair: Ms. Van Le)
Married JETs Support Sig set up, AJET prefectural chapters given greater administrative autonomy.
1991-92 (Chair: Mr. John Elsner)
AJETs Japanese name changed from "The Foreign Youths Club" to "The JET Programme Participants Organization"; Computer SIG set up.
1992-93 (Chair: Mr. Paul Irons)
AJET Constitution revised, SPECTRUM support network for JETs of colour set up.
1993-94 (Chair: Mr. Bill Egbert)
Business SIG and AJET scholarship fund set up; Non-renewers handbook becomes Jet and Beyond; the AJET Operational Procedures Handbook was written.
1994-95 (Chair: Ms. Tonia Ing)
Team Taught Pizza book started, STONEWALL and JET Jewish Network set up, Kobe Great Hanshin Earthquake Relief fund raised 1.2 million yen, Parlimentary Procedure introduced at National Council meetings.
1995-96 (Chair: Mr. Francis Fernandes)
Charity show at 1995 Renewers Conference raised 600,000 yen; subscriptions to SIGs, Nationality Groups and AJET books made optional; AJET Annual General Meeting for members revived; AJET Across Japan newsletter replaced the AJET magazine; history of AJET compiled and printed; representation of JETs' work through AJET made more effective through bi-lingual printed information and meetings in Japanese with official JET sponsors; Financial procedures handbook written.
1996-97 (Chair: Mr. Daniel Lintz)
Korean Nationality Group established, AJET Constitution translated into Japanese, AJET's first fully bi-lingual publication, "The JET Environmental Action Guide," is produced; AJET Guidebooks produced for Kobe Renewers Conference and Tokyo Orientation; full color AJET information brochure is produced; the Group Associate Membership Programme is established to build better relations between AJET and the business community; AJET Career Fair in Tokyo in June 1997; AJET Across Japan produces a bi-lingual edition; AJET World Wide Web Page created; Language Education SIG, SCUBA SIG, and Eco SIG established; AJET Job Fair for non-renewing JETs interested in pursuing a job in Japan or with a Japanese company; AJET Constitution sees major revisions. |

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about Shiga AJET | background & history | current events
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about Shiga AJET | background & history | current events